The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven. As the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. And we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither does corruption inherit incorruption. (1 Corinthians 15:47-50)


Looks can be deceiving. Because it’s so convenient to forget who we are in Christ, today. Diamonds are not found strewn about in mines. Miners go real deep and search hard to find them. They’re fully covered in sand and earth and someone needs to mine them, polish them and give them the “diamond”treatment to make them diamonds. All of us were without help in the dust of creation and Jesus lifted us up from the miry clay and washed us, polished us and gave us the “diamond” treatment. But remember, God has left us in this earth as shining diamonds to shine for the world to see. But over time, through our constant exposure to the world, we begin to forget who we are and this is where the dust starts settling in. What is it to be earthy? What made Adam earthy? The answer to this may excite you, as it did me! Did you know Adam was earthy even before the fall? The Bible says he was a living soul. Adam was a man of the earth because he did not have God residing inside of him!

That came as a revelation from the Lord through this chapter. The book of Genesis talks about God “coming” to the garden to meet Adam in the cool of the evening. I used to think how blessed Adam was, to meet God every evening. As much as God came to visit him, God had something greater than visiting man – He loved man so much that He wanted to reside inside man. That’s like God becoming one of us, in us. To demonstrate the awesomeness of God living on the inside of us, let me use an analogy. Our hands and our legs and every organ in our body, put together, make us, our physical selves. Someone cannot severe his hand and call that his identity. All of these parts together make us as us. Likewise, Jesus has become a part of us, inseparable and the best bit – in Him is our new identity. Adam saw God on the outside of him. Yes, it was a fellowship that was close enough, but not even remotely close to the reality of God living in us, today. Adam was earthy because he didn’t have God residing on the inside of him. We do! Every believer in Christ does, and that’s what makes us heavenly.

Adam was created to be the federal head and to exercise dominion over the earth. Yet, he was vulnerable and susceptible to fall. Why? Because, he was earthy without God residing on the inside of him. We’re founded on the solid rock of Christ and even when we fall, we get up as if we didn’t fall in the first place. What makes all the difference? It’s Christ residing in us, the hope of glory. We’re heavenly because of Jesus. We’re heavenly because God has made us, His temple. Yes, looks can be deceiving as you’re not who you were before! You’re an all new creation in the image of Christ and He Himself has made us His abode. That’s why, we walk by faith and not by sight. What we see on the mirror is the same face, the same body but we’re not born again on the outside! We’re born again in the spirit and that’s where Jesus is. Have you seen your heart? How do you believe you have a heart without seeing? You just believe! Likewise, we don’t see who we are, and Christ in us through our physical senses but by faith, which are the eyes of the spirit.

The last part of this verse says that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. But, we the believers have inherited the kingdom through Jesus. How can it be possible when I still have my flesh and blood? Folks, this is where how God sees us, comes into play. We’re no more the flesh and blood we’ve grown seeing. Yes, we still do have the same body but we’re no more there. Our identity has been shifted to our born again spirit. This physical body that you see, that’s susceptible to lying symptoms, negative emotions, sinful tendencies, this five sensory knowledge will not make it to heaven. God doesn’t see us in our sins, even though we sin, He doesn’t see us in our frailties, although they are many; He sees us in Christ.

The finished work of Jesus on the cross is so perfect, so complete and so accurate that God has sworn that He will never be angry with a believer, ever again. In fact, through the cross, God has forgiven the whole world but its for the individual to accept it and receive His forgiveness. We had no part in this awesome redemption plan of God. It was conceived by our Lord Jesus, executed by Him and fulfilled by Him and we’re only beneficiaries through faith in Him. It may sound simple, but it took the life of Jesus to save us and redeem us and that’s an eternal testament to how much He loves us – to the point that He wants to leave His abode and reside on the inside of us!

Don’t let the challenges of life affect you; you’re not of this world. Rest in Jesus’ love for you and He who is in you will carry you safely in His arms of love. He took the cross on your behalf and He hung there naked to the mockery of the world; what else will He not take in your life to save you? Jesus love you my friend. Relax and enjoy Jesus!

About Revelation of Grace Ministries

The grace of Jesus transformed someone as undeserving as me and I decided why not let this light of God's love shine on others too! Welcome to Revelation of Grace Ministries!
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1 Response to The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven. As the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. And we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither does corruption inherit incorruption. (1 Corinthians 15:47-50)

  1. Preach on, brother. Jesus bless!

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