For both He that sanctifies and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause He is not ashamed to call them brethren, saying, “I will declare your name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto you.” (Hebrews 2:11,12)


I’ll tell you in a moment why this verse is amazing! There is something really special about Jesus’ coming to earth for the world. This is what it is: He came to become one of us because that’s been the awesome plan of God before the foundations of the world. But, there’s a problem – Jesus is holy, righteous, sinless and lives with an everlasting life while man is sinful, unjust, wicked and ungodly. How could these two opposing ends ever meet? Jesus made it possible by His perfect work of redemption on the cross. What was impossible with man, God made it possible through Jesus. He could have just redeemed us and continued being the only Son of God but He chose to become one of us. He’s still God, but today He’s representing all of us believers as the eternal High Priest.

Through Jesus, we’re born into the family of God. This may take a while to sink in as we’re so accustomed to the life we’ve lived through our natural birth. God Himself has become our Father, and we, together with Jesus, have become sons of God. Man sees God as the Creator, the Supreme Being, and rightly so, He is all of that; but God always exceeds our expectations. He just doesn’t want to relate to us as God, but as a Father. That’s family! When we’re born into a family, we become heirs to the inheritance of our family and God’s inheritance is the world and all that’s there in it! Adam left us an inheritance of sin, curse, diseases, poverty and death. Through him came all the generational curses and the devil had a stronghold in the family of Adam. Through Jesus, our fallen Adamic inheritance has been put away and we’re no more part of that fallen family.

This is why, diseases cannot alight, curses cannot come and generational curses have no place in a believer’s life. Now, I’m coming to the amazing bit of this whole message. Jesus says that He’ll sing praises to the Father and that He’ll declare the Father to all of us. How does He do that? Through us! Folks, if you’re seeing Jesus outside you, then you’re slightly mistaken! He has literally become us, and we’ve become as Jesus in the spirit. When you praise and worship in church, enjoying the presence of God, it’s Jesus who’s singing through you! He is, wherever you are. When you step into a building called church, the building is sanctified because you just stepped in! Although Jesus is God, He says He sings praises unto the Father. How can God sing praises to Himself? Jesus is still God but He has taken over a different role now. He is Someone He was not, before! He’s donning an all new role today – the role of Perfect Man, the High Priest, representing the saints of the world.

Folks, why does He do all this? His love for us! I have no clue why He is madly in love with us but I do know that His love knows no extent! That’s Jesus for you today and remember, you’re not apart from Him but are One with Him!

About Revelation of Grace Ministries

The grace of Jesus transformed someone as undeserving as me and I decided why not let this light of God's love shine on others too! Welcome to Revelation of Grace Ministries!
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