And the Lord said, “My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest.” (Exodus 33:14)


This is the rest this world seeks, but seldom finds it. The key to this rest? The ever-abiding presence of God in a person’s life. This was God’s promise to Moses before the children of Israel entered the promised land. All the Israelites had to do was believe this promise and rest. But Bible history tells us they never believed nor did the first generation enter the promised land. Let’s closely look at the events that unfolded before they entered the promised land to understand why the Israelites found God’s rest elusive. Those interested in the full account of what happened can follow it in Numbers 13.

Moses ordains 12 men from the 12 tribes of Israel to enter the promised land by stealth and spy out the wealth and provision of God in the promised land. They return after 40 days bringing some of the provision of the land with good and bad news. Out of the 12 spies that went, 10 gave bad news about the land and how it’s impossible to enter the promised land; the Bible calls this an evil report. Speaking contrary to God’s Word is evil report in the sight of God. When God calls a believer righteous by the blood of Christ, it’s evil report for the believer to call himself a worthless sinner. Thankfully, 2 of the spies gave a good report and encouraged the Israelites to immediately possess the land.

The presence of the Lord was all the Israelites needed to enter the promised land, which is the rest, spiritually speaking. But they chose to believe the evil report of the 10, which is a picture of the law. The law only shows how incapable man is. The Israelites wept and shouted that they wanted to go back to Egypt than die in the wilderness. God didn’t bring them to die but to enter His rest, where He provides and they just receive it all. The law always produces fear, frustration and condemnation. Above all, it renders faith void. That explains why the Israelites were condemned when they believed the evil report. The law strengthens sin and brings death. The first generation died in the wilderness and never made it to the promised land.

The 2 spies gave a good report of the promised land. Jesus came by grace and truth. The two spies represent the grace and truth of our Lord. Jesus is the manifestation of grace and truth. The whole Bible is the Word of God but the truth of the Word can only be known by the grace of God. Grace and Truth are inseparable and what God puts together, let no man put asunder. The two spies produced faith to enter the land of provision, the promised land, the land flowing with milk and honey. God wanted man to rest in His righteousness, His provision, His salvation, His blessings and His unmerited favour. But man chooses to work out all that he needs himself, a picture that reeks of self righteousness.

Today, every believer has the presence of the Lord. But how does it manifest? When a believer enters God’s rest. This rest is not inactivity but resting in what Christ has accomplished for us. Everything that we do, we do out of this rest of God. As long as a believer is trying to keep the law, consciously or subconsciously, he cannot enter God’s rest. Believers who oppose the gospel of grace are restless because the law works in their life producing condemnation and death. All of us are inside Christ but only the ones who receive His grace enjoy the supernatural rest of God. This rest produces the eternal fruits of righteousness, peace and joy with no condemnation, but all of love and super abounding grace of Christ. Don’t miss out on that rest!

About Revelation of Grace Ministries

The grace of Jesus transformed someone as undeserving as me and I decided why not let this light of God's love shine on others too! Welcome to Revelation of Grace Ministries!
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